Managing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central extensions and can be done from the Setup & Extensions menu in Business Central. There are two ways you can install new extensions but first, we need to access the Extensions page in Business Central.

To access the the Extensions page do the following:

1. Navigate to the Extensions management page.

2. Click the manage button.

3. Their is two options to install extension to your Business Central environment.

3.1 Download the extension directly from the Extension Marketplace also known as App Source.

3.2 Upload an .app file containing the extension you want to install.

First we will cover downloading the extension from the Extension Marketplace.

  1. Click on the Extension Marketplace menu button which will take you to App Source.

2. Once App Source is loaded you can search for you desired extension and click on it to open the details for your selected extension.

3. Some parties offer a Free-Trial others you can get right away. To download click on the Free Trial (in our example) button, but it might differ depending on what extension you want to download.

4. Click om the install button which will in turn install and deploy the Extension to your Business Central Environment.

5. Navigate back to the Extension page and once the the extension has finished deploying it will appear on the list with other extensions.

Secondly we will cover uploading the .app file you created or received from a Business Central extension developer.

  1. Select the Upload Extension option in the Manage Menu on the Extensions page.

2. Click on the highlighted button next to the upload any file description.

3. Navigate and choose your .app file on tour local system using File Explorer.

4. Accept the terms of the Extension and click the Deploy button.

5. You will receive the following message indicating that the deployment is in progress.

5.Once the deployment is finished it will appear on the list with other extensions. You can now start using your uploaded extension.


To remove an extension you are no longer using select the extension and using the Management Menu click on the Uninstall option.

2. Once you have confirmed that the correct extension was selected and you want remove it from your Business Central environment click on the uninstall button. For a complete removal you can also select the Delete Extension Data slider but this is optional.

3. Once the Uninstall is complete you will be prompted to sign in and out to complete the process.